Raeco have partnered with hundreds of school libraries to co-design library shelving and select furniture. Our team of consultants, designers and installers plan, then bring to life your new library and education space.
- Our commitment to quality is evident with our lifetime warranty on steel shelving and 10 year warranty on timber shelving.
- Our commitment to the environment continues. All Raeco shelving is GECA [Good Environmental Choice Australia] certified. Raeco is also accredited ISO 14001 – Quality Environmental practises. We are proud to release the world’s first FULLY biodegradable book covering – Bioguard 80® – no toxic microplastics. Bioguard 80® is also fully recyclable plus it applies and protects the same as regular book covering.
Should we partner with your library project for shelving, book display or furniture, the experienced team at Raeco will work closely with you every step of the way.