Befriending Data: Integrating Data Structures to Inform Your Work

This is a 2.5hr Deep Dive Workshop

Data is all around us, in some cases overwhelming us while in other cases not being tapped to provide insights or valuable questions.  This session will provide structures to approach your data, a variety of data sources and analysis modes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Framing data sources into a manageable structure
  • Creation of a Data in the Day process to measure your mission or core values
  • Envision ways to gather Annual Data to track possible program changes and address questions with program shifts.
  • Review ways to analyze the Annual Community Climate Surveys through trends and subgroups
  • Introduction of Google Looker Studio
  • Consider Alignment of Foundational Documents with practices, feedback, and observations
David Chadwell

David Chadwell

Saigon South International School